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Monday, February 27, 2012

In the Name of Audubon

Previously, we mentioned  that Edge Resources announced  their acceptance into the Signature Program of Audubon.  We've corrected that original blog post  since there was confusion regarding the use of the use of the name Audubon.  CLARIFICATION:  Audubon International is in no way affiliated with the Audubon Society.  They are two entirely different entities. 

In fact, in 1991 the Audubon Society tried to sue in order to prevent Audubon International from using their name, but a judge ruled that the Audubon Society did not own exclusive rights to that name nor did it cause confusion.  Well it certainly confused us! 

Audubon Society’s Mission is "to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity."

Audubon International primarily partners with golf courses or hotels by promoting "green consciousness".

Since Tierra Verde Golf Course and the Martin Luther King Sports Complex - both adjacent to the proposed Overcoming Faith Drill Site -  are already certified Signature members of Audubon International, Edge thought they would try that too.  What a novel idea!

First of all, we must clarify that Edge is NOT currently certified.  They have merely been ACCEPTED into the program through an application process similar to that of a student being accepted into a university.   The next step would be a long process according to Mike Martinez, partner of Edge Resources.

It sounds like the big gas mafia may be trying to put lipstick on a pig again, but nevertheless we eagerly await to see how Edge plans to show Audubon International how they will protect a sensitive natural environment while exploiting natural gas on a 8.446-wooded acre tract of land.  That is where the rubber will meet the road!   Is this another public relations stunt by a desperate industry whose popularity is waning in communities? 

During our discussion Mr. Martinez shared these questions that the industry is asking:
  • "Can we co-exist?" 
  • "Can we do things to be accepted by environmental groups?" 

His final comment ended with,  "We believe we are good stewards of the land on our other properties."

Perhaps you need to decide whether this:
Tandy Hills Natural Area, Fort Worth

and this:

Tierra Verde Golf Club
and this:

Can Co-exist with this:

and this, (click here)
Fulson Drill Site, Arlington, TX

or even worse - this:

During the council meeting Shea Kirkman, representative of Edge Resources, admitted that Audubon International "doesn't know alot about this business".  Perhaps those of us on the shale can clue them in.  The Signature office telephone number in Henderson, KY is (270) 869-9419.  Nancy Richardson, their director, can also be reached via e-mail: 

If Edge Resources becomes a certified member of Audubon International, will this set a precedent for others in the oil & gas industry to paint a faux green image to the public? 


  1. plus this 100 year flod plain site must also co-exist, 1,101 feet from the St Paul Prepartory Academy...I hope they teach the kids and staff to prepare for added cancer risks in their lives....tuition buys U's not just AISD buying into the high health risk price for royalties....churches R leaders too!...oh yeah...lead us off of a cliff won't yah? "suffer the children" has new meaning in the gas patches

  2. Below is an e-mail we received from the National Audubon Society:


    I believe that you may be confusing the National Audubon Society with Audubon International. The National Audubon Society (Audubon) was founded in 1905 for the purpose of conserving and restoring natural ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife, and their habitats.

    Each year, Audubon receives many calls and letters from people who have confused Audubon with a different organization calling itself Audubon International. Since its inception in 1991, Audubon International, funded in part by the United States Golf Association, has been certifying golf courses that pay an annual membership fee as Audubon Cooperative Sanctuaries. Similar fee-based certifications are available from Audubon International to developers of cemeteries, municipal parks, campgrounds, resorts, stores, industrial facilities, marinas, residential communities and preparatory schools.

    Audubon is not associated with Audubon International in any way. Audubon does not certify golf courses, or any other development, as being environmentally sound.
    Furthermore, Audubon sanctuaries are protected natural spaces for public enjoyment. No Audubon sanctuary is certified for development.


    Danielle Madrid
    Development Manager
    Audubon Texas
