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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Is it Game Over For Fracking in Arlington, TX?

3-6. That was the final score on June 9th when Arlington City Council denied TEP Barnett’s request to amend a specific use permit to establish a drill zone to sink three additional gas wells near Pioneer Parkway and State Highway 360. For the first time in over a decade the citizens prevailed against an oil and gas giant.  Public opinion about fracking has shifted significantly in recent years, and e-mails of opposition poured in to the city for this case. 

So, what caused council to suddenly do a 180?  Did they experience an epiphany? Were they punch drunk from taking repeated blows from citizens railing against these bad neighbors over the past decade? With the City of Arlington facing budgetary shortfalls during this time of COVID19, would they go out on an economic limb and risk an expensive law suit to openly defy HB40 ~ legislation which stripped municipalities of local control related to oil and gas activity? The short answer is no, and it is unlikely that this bill will be overturned any time soon due to the current political climate in Texas. Fixing the problem of gas drilling inside neighborhoods would require a workaround. Thankfully, Arlington citizens elected a Mayor skilled in the art of the deal. All bets are on that there will be new development coming soon which won’t include any new gas wells. Of course this is purely speculation. 

For now, enjoy a cold drink during this fracking intermission and stay with us until it is game over for the oil and gas industry in Arlington. 

If you missed the public hearing on June 9th, click here for that link. 

Dear Arlington, TX City Council

June 9, 2020

         Subject:  SUP09-21R1 (AC360 Drill Site) 2000 South Watson Road

Dear Mayor Williams and City Council Members, Dear Mayor Williams and City Council Members,

The oil and gas industry has had their knee on the necks of citizens and municipalities for too long.

We can’t breathe.

It is evident to all by now that allowing for corporate interests to explore and drill and frack for gas hundreds of feet from the fence lines where people live and children play was not only a terrible mistake but a dangerous one.  

In this particular case TEP Barnett wants a variance to an already insufficient setback of 600 feet. Approval would result in the release of tons of toxic emissions into the air we breath during a worldwide pandemic when COVID19 is attacking the respiratory systems of the weak and frail as well as the strong. Heavy industrial mining is incompatible with residential communities. We all know this, yet time after time again we witness council violating their own consciences due to a corrupted state legislature complicit with an industry that fuels their campaigns.

I implore you to come out from the shade of HB40.  This is not the time to put profits over people.  We need your help in taking the knee of oil and gas off our necks so we may live and breathe and peaceably enjoy our properties in a city which is governed in a manner which causes no harm to the most vulnerable in our community.

I pray you deny TEP Barnett’s request to establish a drill zone at the AC360 Drill Site.

Warmest regards,

 A Concerned Citizen  

2) There was a gas pipeline fire on April 18th which occurred two exits to the south of proposed drill zone. Note that this happened during the quarantine.  Had it been a normal Saturday, this intersection would have been gridlocked due to Traders Village traffic and there would have been casualties.  https://youtu.be2