These petitions are from the original zoning case number SUP-11-11 ~ not SUP-12-1 which was originally scheduled on the agenda for a public hearing on April 3rd. That night, the Mayor announced it would be continued on April 24th. We find it curious that both SUP's are now listed on the agenda. What is the City up to? Will these cases be heard individually or will they be combined? We called for clarification, but were told we would have to wait and see how the council decides to handle that at the meeting.
These business men from The Greenhouse Spa and Decision Analysts have valid concerns. Gas drill sites do create toxic pollution, disruptive noise, and are ugly and dangerous.
In addition, the proposed Maharishi Drill Site is about 200 feet away from a historic cemetery ~ PA Watson. A drill site SHOULD NOT be allowed this close to a historic landmark, and fracking SHOULD NOT be done under people's graves - no matter what!
Arlington's Landmark Preservation Plan quotes Thomas B. Macaulay:
"A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors, will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote descendants."
This site at Ave H & 360 is within 600 feet of Moore Consturction, and the Budget Suites (where people LIVE) and my detox nutrionist doc. It is also across the hwy to SIX FLAGS.....hello.
ReplyDeleteWow. It's going to quite a night for the Arlington, TX City Council based on this agenda and other developments just today on fracking and flowback within 1,700 feet of homes.
But back to tonight's agenda. The Agenda is definitely a doozy with the Monster document...715 pages of Agenda Details. And in there are at least 3 "potential" drilling sites with zoning changes necessary on the land use.
Overcoming Faith Drilling Site (in southwest Arlington, TX, currently Tabled);
the Maharishi Drilling site (as mentioned in the blog post) in northeast Arlington, TX (1st Public Hearing scheduled tonight);
And now the latest zoning request change with the potential for gas drilling and fracking (1st Public Hearing)~ The Howell Family Farms zoning change to a planned development "with gas drilling."
Howell Farms is a beautiful Arlington, TX treasure and the potential for heavy, industrial mining nearby or on its land is too sad for words:
It may be quite an understatement to say that it is a "Crucial City Council Meeting Tonight" in Arlington, TX.