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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Shabby Chic Maharishi

If you can't read this sign, please know that we can't either.  This shabby chic signage is at the newly zoned  Maharishi Gas Drill Site located in Arlington, Texas and is operated by Newark Energy. 

Oops...Looks like a violation!  Here is what the Arlington, Texas gas drilling ordinance says about signs:


  1. Wonderful shade of pink or is that orange? Anything in the ordinance there about thumb tacks?

  2. Looks like both pink and orange. The shabby chic process involves layering several colors of paint. If this drilling thing turns out to be one epic failure, they can hold arts and crafts classes at the Maharishi.

    Are they trying to save money by using homemade signs? What other corners are they cutting?

    Arlington is looking like a third world nation with all these heavy industrial mining sites all over the place. Wonder what tourists must think when they visit our city?

  3. It's a breast cancer awareness shabby chic sign.

  4. Anyone remember that pink rig for breast cancer awareness? Was that Chesapeake? With this industry in our neighborhoods, we don't need pink things to remind us that this activity will probably give us cancer sooner or later.

  5. Pink things reminds me of pigs ..... greedy pigs = the system that rules us
