This morning somewhere between that dreaming and waking state ~ moments prior to putting my boots on the ground ~ three headlines of this week's current events filled my head:
Arlington, Texas Week in Review:
to read this week's top stories about the Rocking Horse Gas Drill site situated 359 feet from a daycare facility. City council approves this controversial gas well permit despite strong opposition from the community.
Here is the February 5, 2013 Rocking Horse Public Hearing:
Click Here
to read how Arlington, TX spends $202,259 of taxpayer money for two drones.
“It will help with significant applications across the community, from
potential hostage situations to anything that will keep an officer out
of harm's way,” Rivera said.
Click Here
for the update on the conceal carry demand in Arlington. Applicants come like clockwork every ten minutes over fears of stricter federal gun laws.
What does this say about our current state of affairs in Arlington, Texas?
"As The Huffington Post reported
in February, a study published in the journal "Psychological Science"
showed that children who score low on intelligence tests gravitate
toward socially conservative political views
in adulthood--perhaps because conservative ideologies stress "structure
and order" that make it easier to understand a complicated world."
The article goes on to say, "And now there's the new study linking conservative ideologies to "low-effort" thinking."
For that full story, click here.
It's been three giant steps backwards for Arlington.
Over and Out.